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fatal fires

  • Personal InjuryFirefighters

    NYC Fire Fatalities Down in 2019 but Medical Emergencies Rise

    By Michael Barasch

    A sharp reduction in New York City fire deaths during 2019 gives everyone who lives, works or vacations in the city cause to thank the firefighters who keep them safe. At the same time, statistics show a spike in medical emergencies generating an FDNY response, demonstrating how the department’s traditional role has changed. In 2019, […]

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  • Personal InjuryFirefighters

    Heating Equipment Issues Cited in New York State’s High Fire Death Rate

    By Michael Barasch

    New York recorded 112 fire-related deaths during 2019, the highest fatality rate among all 50 states, according to a review conducted by the Fireman’s Association of the State of New York and the National Fire Prevention Association. Though deadly fires can have many different causes, blazes associated with heating equipment were found to be the […]

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