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  • Two Firetrucks Sitting In the Fire Station Garage

    FirefightersPersonal Injury

    Guidelines Proposed for Reducing Fire Station COVID-19 Risks

    By Michael Barasch

    The job of a firefighter is tough enough without the risk of a deadly virus that attacks people without warning. FDNY stations, located in the city with the greatest number of infections during the pandemic, are particularly vulnerable to spread of the disease. Now, the Fire Department Safety Officers Association has published a set of […]

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  • FirefightersPersonal Injury

    Bill Seeks to Classify COVID-19 as a Line-of-Duty Condition for First Responders

    By Michael Barasch

    First responders have rightfully earned praise and appreciation for their efforts in behalf of victims of COVID-19. Despite a potentially lethal exposure risk and problems securing ample personal protective equipment, these men and women have been reaching out to assist people afflicted by the coronavirus while nearly everyone else has been told to stay at […]

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  • Personal InjuryFirefighters

    COVID-19 Leads to Highest NYC Emergency Call Volume Since 9/11

    By Michael Barasch

    In the months that New York City has been locked down in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, residents have compared their feelings to the shock and sadness experienced after the World Trade Center was attacked on September 11, 2001. There are many parallels, including closing of businesses, postponement of sporting events and emergence of a […]

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  • Personal InjuryPolice Officers

    Officials Seek Long-term Solutions for Concerns Affecting NYPD in 2019

    By Michael Barasch

    New York City’s crime rate generally went down in 2019, even as murders, robberies and assaults rose over their 2018 totals. However, several high-profile events highlighted the need for increased vigilance when it comes to protecting the men and women of the NYPD. Some of the biggest 2019 news stories involving the NYPD continue to […]

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  • Victim Compensation FundZadroga ActWTC Victims


    By Michael Barasch

    Like you, we’re closely monitoring the latest news about the coronavirus. It is our mission to serve the 9/11 community, and we will continue our work throughout this health crisis. Our office is open, and our dedicated attorneys and staff are hard at work. In an abundance of caution, some of our staff will begin […]

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  • Injured In the Line-of-Duty?

    Let our experienced personal injury lawyers help you get the compensation you deserve. Call 844-874-1564 or contact our office online.

  • Personal InjuryFirefighters

    NYC Fire Fatalities Down in 2019 but Medical Emergencies Rise

    By Michael Barasch

    A sharp reduction in New York City fire deaths during 2019 gives everyone who lives, works or vacations in the city cause to thank the firefighters who keep them safe. At the same time, statistics show a spike in medical emergencies generating an FDNY response, demonstrating how the department’s traditional role has changed. In 2019, […]

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  • FirefightersPersonal Injury

    Heating Equipment Issues Cited in New York State’s High Fire Death Rate

    By Michael Barasch

    New York recorded 112 fire-related deaths during 2019, the highest fatality rate among all 50 states, according to a review conducted by the Fireman’s Association of the State of New York and the National Fire Prevention Association. Though deadly fires can have many different causes, blazes associated with heating equipment were found to be the […]

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  • Firefighters

    FDNY Adds 22 Names to World Trade Center Illness Memorial

    By Michael Barasch

    Although nearly two decades have passed and the Ground Zero site has been transformed, names are still being added to the FDNY World Trade Center Memorial Wall at the department’s headquarters in Brooklyn. In September, this posthumous recognition was bestowed on 22 firefighters who died of illnesses related to 9/11 exposure. First responders who worked […]

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  • Firefighters

    New FDNY Rookie Class Includes 21 Children of Fallen Heroes   

    By Michael Barasch

    Every FDNY Fire Academy graduation is marked by strong emotions among family members who are justifiably proud of their loved ones who are ready to serve New York City as probationary firefighters. However, the most recent ceremony was extra special because 21 of these “probies” were the children of firefighters and police officers who died […]

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  • Firefighters

    Despite Record Activity, EMS Workers Are Lowest-paid First Responders

    By Michael Barasch

    New York City’s Emergency Medical Services units handled approximately 1.5 million calls in 2018. That was a new record high, but the professionals who work for that department are still paid significantly less than other first responders. For more than 20 years, EMS has operated within the FDNY, and its significantly smaller workforce responds to […]

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